When a nation lacks a purpose, it does not have a future!

Adnan Durez
3 min readSep 5, 2023


No country can survive without a goal…

When a nation lacks a purpose, it does not have a future!

You should better understand what I am talking about and for which country or nation. This pertains specifically to Pakistan. In 75 years, we haven’t defined any clear objectives, goals, or visions, unfortunately. Now, many of us claim that I am mistaken, stating that Mr. Jinnah gave us a vision. Really? Okay, please provide me with written evidence because I believe that from 1937 to 1948, the British Empire maintained paperwork and documentation. So, did Mr. Jinnah, the eminent lawyer of his time, have any documented vision for Pakistan? Unfortunately, there is no documentation regarding Pakistan’s vision, only speeches by Mr. Jinnah.

Now, it’s evident that as a nation, we lack a written vision, which implies we have no clear objectives or goals. We are essentially living blindly to this day. This is the primary reason why we are considered a failed state in the world, and our country’s people lack value and respect both within their own country and globally.

Mr. Jinnah delivered remarkable speeches, but not everyone accepted or agreed with them.

In an era driven by digital advancements and globalization, the significance of a nation’s purpose cannot be overstated. Pakistan, a nation with a rich history and diverse culture, stands at a pivotal juncture in its quest for a prosperous future. This article explores the intricate relationship between a nation’s sense of purpose and its potential for growth and development.

The Importance of National Identity

Embracing Diversity

Pakistan is a nation that boasts an incredible mosaic of cultures, languages, and traditions. From the bustling streets of Karachi to the serene valleys of Gilgit-Baltistan, the country’s diversity is its greatest strength. However, it is essential for Pakistanis to embrace this diversity and forge a collective identity that transcends regional and ethnic boundaries.

Historical Perspective

To understand the importance of a shared purpose, it’s crucial to delve into Pakistan’s history. The founding fathers of the nation, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, envisioned a democratic and inclusive Pakistan where every citizen had equal rights and opportunities. This vision should serve as a guiding light for the nation’s future.

Economic Prosperity and National Purpose

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

A thriving economy is a cornerstone of a nation’s purpose. Pakistan has tremendous untapped potential in its entrepreneurial spirit and a burgeoning youth population. Encouraging innovation, supporting startups, and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship can propel the country towards economic prosperity.

Infrastructure Development

Investment in infrastructure is a testament to a nation’s commitment to its future. Modernizing transportation, energy, and communication networks is essential for Pakistan to compete on a global scale. Infrastructure development not only creates jobs but also improves the overall quality of life for citizens.

Education as the Catalyst

Quality Education

An educated populace is the bedrock of a progressive nation. Pakistan must prioritize education, ensuring that every child has access to quality schooling. Investments in education empower individuals to contribute to the nation’s development and innovation.

Research and Development

Universities and research institutions play a pivotal role in driving innovation and addressing societal challenges. Pakistan should encourage research and development efforts across various sectors, from technology to healthcare, to stay ahead in the global arena.

Geopolitical Dynamics

Regional Cooperation

Pakistan’s geopolitical position offers both opportunities and challenges. Collaborating with neighboring countries, particularly in trade and security, can strengthen its regional standing. A peaceful and stable South Asia is in the best interest of all nations in the region.

Diplomacy and Soft Power

Building positive relations with the international community through diplomacy and soft power initiatives can enhance Pakistan’s global image. Cultural exchanges, tourism, and international partnerships can project a positive narrative of the nation.


In conclusion, the future of Pakistan is intricately linked to its sense of purpose. To rise as a prosperous nation, Pakistan must:

  • Embrace its diversity and forge a collective national identity.
  • Uphold the vision of its founding fathers for a democratic and inclusive society.
  • Foster entrepreneurship, innovation, and infrastructure development.
  • Prioritize quality education and research.
  • Engage in regional cooperation and enhance diplomatic efforts.

By doing so, Pakistan can position itself as a leader in the region and the world. It is a nation with immense potential, and with a clear sense of purpose, it can indeed secure a brighter future.

