It’s for real. The memoir from the man behind Chandler
In late 2002, a small group of friends met for what turned out to be the final time. They drank pints and danced at a local pub, and then some strange people showed up in their car and took them to a secret location. When they arrived, they found themselves in an abandoned building connected by a set of lift doors. It was dark, the air heavy with electricity, and filled with computers and books. There were no windows but there was plenty of light.
There was also a smell: urine, stale beer and sweat.
The group didn’t know it at the time, but they were about to discover something very important as they made their way down the elevator shaft: this wasn’t your normal bar or club. The person who had taken them there wasn’t some drunken jackass staking his turf — this was one of the most elite intelligence agencies in the world, working on behalf of the U.S. government -and so much had changed that night that place would feel like it hadn’t existed for years.
We all know that murder conspiracy John Q. Lennon was shot dead in New York City on 2 August 1980, and that his death sent shock waves around the world. Now, author Mark Mardoll has joined the ranks of those who have heard of him: he is the man behind Chandler.
Wrong name? Wrong time? Well, no one’s perfect, so here’s why you should care about this sometimes-suspicious memoir by a leader of contemporary TV and film.
Every day we turn on the news and hear about another celebrity who is struggling with addiction. Celebrities are human too, but it’s hard to relate to them because they’re shrouded in an indestructible veil of success and celebrity that separates them from reality.
Matthew Perry is different. He didn’t just go through addiction, he conquered it and now shares his story with the world so others may find hope in the fight against addiction.
He doesn’t just tell his story; he has something to offer people struggling with addiction and their loved ones. For the first time in our history, we have a high-profile celebrity talking about one of the most important issues of our time — addiction — and he’s not afraid to say “I don’t
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